Guilde Horde Naxxramas
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Guilde Horde Naxxramas

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 Screenshot Maison

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MessageSujet: Screenshot Maison   Screenshot Maison Icon_minitimeMer 3 Déc - 8:15

Je vous laisse admiré la beauté de wow chez moi
Screenshot Maison 223789dbd3f0e11fd598028d66db4ee0
Screenshot Maison 5b1821c1a1c9dd6714bdf50f8219b830

Dernière édition par genoské le Ven 9 Jan - 5:05, édité 1 fois
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MessageSujet: mon interface   Screenshot Maison Icon_minitimeLun 8 Déc - 5:50

Screenshot Maison 527171e8a57e27f0367acbebda5112e3

Voila la liste des addons que j'utilise :

AtlasLoot - Shows the possible loot from the bosses
AtlasLootFu - Minimap button for AtlasLoot
BigWigs - Modular, lightweight, non-intrusive approach to boss encounter warnings.
BigWigs_BlackTemple - Big Wigs Black Temple Modules
BigWigs_Extras - Big Wigs Extra Plugins
BigWigs_EyeOfEternity - Big Wigs Eye Of Eternity Modules
BigWigs_Hyjal - Big Wigs Hyjal Modules
BigWigs_Karazhan - Big Wigs Karazhan Modules
BigWigs_Naxxramas - Big Wigs Naxxramas Modules
BigWigs_Northrend - Big Wigs Northrend Modules
BigWigs_Outland - Big Wigs Outland Modules
BigWigs_Plugins - Big Wigs Core Plugins
BigWigs_SC - Big Wigs Serpentshrine Cavern Modules
BigWigs_Sunwell - Big Wigs Sunwell Modules
BigWigs_TheEye - Big Wigs The Eye Modules
BigWigs_ZulAman - Big Wigs Zul'Aman Modules
BonusScanner - Scans your Equipment for cumulative item bonuses and sums them up. Currently maintained and updated by Tristanian.
Dominos - A main actionbar replacement
eCastingBar - Casting Bar replacement mod, updated for Burning Crusade
Gatherer - Gatherer, displays stuff you gather in your minimap and world map
Gatherer_HUD - The HUD is a navigation component that allows you to track the location of gatherables on your screen in a heads-up style overlay.
GathererDB_Wowhead - Gatherer preloaded database, courtesy of
GEM3_Core - In-game event & activity planner - Core module
GEM3UI - Interface for GEM3
GridLib -
ItemRack - Makes swapping equipment easier through equip slot menus, equip slot buttons, gear sets and automated swaps.
ItemRackOptions - Load-On-Demand modules for ItemRack
LittleWigs - Boss warnings for Lich King 5-man dungeons.
LittleWigs_Coldarra - Little Wigs Coldarra Modules
LittleWigs_Dalaran - Little Wigs Dalaran Modules
LittleWigs_Dragonblight - Little Wigs Dragonblight Modules
LittleWigs_Howling_Fjord - Little Wigs Howling Fjord Modules
LittleWigs_Stratholme - Little Wigs Stratholme Modules
LittleWigs_Ulduar - Little Wigs Ulduar Modules
LittleWigs_Zul'Drak - Little Wigs Zul'Drak Modules
MagicRunes - Deathknight Rune Display
Omen - A lightweight, flexible, multi-target threat meter.
OmniCC - Cooldown count for everything
OmniCC_Options - A load on demand option menu for OmniCC
OneBag3 - OneBag is a replacement for the default game bags that combines all the bags into one frame.
PitBull - Unit Frames of awesomeness. Woof. It'll bite your face off.
PitBull_Aura - Show buffs and debuffs for PitBull frames as well as highlight frames that need cleansing.
PitBull_Banzai - Adds aggro coloring to PitBull.
PitBull_BarFader - Adds fading this to the health/power bars.
PitBull_CastBar - Show a casting bar each of the PitBull unit frames.
PitBull_CombatFader - Adds alpha changes based on combat.
PitBull_CombatIcon - Show an icon based on whether or not the unit is in combat.
PitBull_CombatText - Show information like damage taken, healing taken, resists, etc. on the unit frame.
PitBull_ComboPoints - Show combo points on the unit frame if you are a Rogue or Druid in Cat form.
PitBull_DruidManaBar - Show a mana bar for your Druid when in Cat or Bear form.
PitBull_ExperienceBar - Show an experience bar on the unit frame.
PitBull_HappinessIcon - Show an icon on the pet frame to indicate its happiness.
PitBull_HealthBar - Show a health bar on the unit frame.
PitBull_HideBlizzard - Hide Blizzard frames that are no longer needed.
PitBull_Highlight - Highlight unit frames on mouse-over or on targetting.
PitBull_LeaderIcon - Show an icon on the unit frame when the unit is the group leader.
PitBull_MasterLooterIcon - Show an icon on the unit frame when the unit is the Master Looter.
PitBull_Portrait - Show a portrait on the PitBull unit frame.
PitBull_PowerBar - Show a mana/rage/energy/focus bar on the PitBull unit frames.
PitBull_PvPIcon - Show an icon on the unit frame when the unit is in PvP mode.
PitBull_RaidTargetIcon - Show an icon on the unit frame based on which Raid Target it is.
PitBull_RangeCheck - Range checking for PitBull unit frames
PitBull_ReadyCheckIcon - Show Ready Check icon based on if the unit is ready or not.
PitBull_ReputationBar - Show a reputation bar on the unit frame.
PitBull_RestIcon - Show an icon on the unit frame when the unit is resting in an inn or city.
PitBull_Spark - Graceful display of energy ticks and the spellcasting five-second-rule.
PitBull_ThreatBar - Show a threat bar on the unit frame.
PitBull_TotemTimers - Shows Totem timers for the PitBull player frame.
PitBull_VisualHeal - Visualises healing done by you and your party/raid members directly on the unit frames.
PitBull_VoiceIcon - Show an icon based on whether or not the unit is talking.
PowerAuras - Cool Effects around the player for ingame events. Authors:
Prat-3.0 - A framework for chat ehancement modules.
Quartz - Modular casting bar.
QuestHelper - Calculates an optimal route for you to follow while questing.
Recount - Records Damage and Healing for Graph Based Display
SexyMap - Spice up ye olde minimap with some sexytime options.
SlideBar - Allows alternative placement of minimap icons into an expanding bar tab that sits on the side of the screen.
Talented - The Talent Template Editor
Titan - Adds a display bar on the top and/or bottom of the screen. Allows users to show and control information/launcher plugins.
TitanAmmo - Adds an ammo monitor to Titan Panel
TitanBag - Adds bag and free slot information to Titan Panel
TitanClock - Adds a clock to Titan Panel
TitanCoords - Adds coordinates and location information to Titan Panel
TitanEmote - A Titan button for easy selection of emotes.
TitanGoldTracker - Keeps track of all gold held by a player's toons on a per server/faction basis.
TitanItemBonuses - Adds the ability to display bonuses from items you are wearing to Titan Panel
TitanLootType - Adds group loot information to Titan Panel
TitanPerformance - Adds FPS and Garbage collection information to Titan Panel
TitanRegen - Adds a regen monitor to Titan panel to show HP/MANA regen
TitanRepair - Adds the ability to auto repair items and inventory at vendors
TitanVolume - Adds a volume control icon on your Titan Bar
TitanXP - Adds information to Titan Panel about XP earned and time to level icon on your Titan Bar

Dernière édition par genoské le Dim 15 Fév - 1:17, édité 1 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: Screenshot Maison   Screenshot Maison Icon_minitimeMer 7 Jan - 18:27


Screenshot Maison 45c6b66d050b06876cfe3288027b6821

Bouffynou shiva kokirian genoské Montrak
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MessageSujet: Re: Screenshot Maison   Screenshot Maison Icon_minitimeMer 7 Jan - 19:46


Loken, c'est pas de la tarte Smile

Petite info Géno ? C'est quoi cet addon chelou dans ta liste : "SexyMap - Spice up ye olde minimap with some sexytime options."

Je comprends mieux tes pbs de concentration Laughing

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MessageSujet: Re: Screenshot Maison   Screenshot Maison Icon_minitimeVen 9 Jan - 4:52

MDR ba en faite quand ca fai longtemps tu joue t'en a un peu mare de l'interface de wow alors j'ai tt change et sexy map ba ca remplace la minimap
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MessageSujet: Re: Screenshot Maison   Screenshot Maison Icon_minitimeMar 13 Jan - 1:38

LOKEN K.O. j'ai entendu Kokirian hurler dans tout l'appart(depuis le temps qu'il essayait de le down celui là lol)
En tout cas, GG c'est vraiment une horreur ce moob
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MessageSujet: Re: Screenshot Maison   Screenshot Maison Icon_minitimeDim 18 Jan - 3:13

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Screenshot Maison Ba6c98b7dbc8274a901cfc25a02fcf39
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MessageSujet: Re: Screenshot Maison   Screenshot Maison Icon_minitimeDim 18 Jan - 6:56

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MessageSujet: Re: Screenshot Maison   Screenshot Maison Icon_minitimeMer 11 Fév - 6:37

Ca c'est rare

Screenshot Maison F8b692b6cf63d038fd957d61cf1bd191

Dernière édition par genoské le Dim 15 Fév - 1:19, édité 1 fois
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MessageSujet: Raid alli   Screenshot Maison Icon_minitimeDim 15 Fév - 1:18

Screenshot Maison Eb1ee59599c2da309667cfd5a4cdc146
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MessageSujet: chutlol   Screenshot Maison Icon_minitimeDim 15 Fév - 1:20

Le salaud on devrai lui confisquer son drake

Screenshot Maison 8d8a1589396c6215c280ce07175cfe17
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MessageSujet: Re: Screenshot Maison   Screenshot Maison Icon_minitimeVen 27 Fév - 4:22

une personne que peu etre vous connaissai Kenryu full T7 maintenant le salaud
Screenshot Maison B042c231eee151eb2b7ef863dfa828d5
Encore une image de merde une allie avec un tigre spectrale la loose
Screenshot Maison Feeed871b2fa150c331012073ca4b6e2
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